Meet Lisa Grzenia
Account Executive
Email: Phone: 866-352-7731 Ex: 320
With RSG since 2015
My Favorite Thing About My Work at RSG
A participant’s wife recently called to inform me of her husband’s passing and wanted to know any steps she needs to take with his 401(k), pension, health insurance, etc. After giving my condolences, I informed her of the process and emailed her more information for when she decides on what she wants to do with the money. Once we went over the 401(k) process, I gave her the people she needed to contact for the other departments. She told how she felt more at ease after our conversation and thanked me for being so patient with her and understanding.
About Me
Lisa works full-time at one of RSG's biggest client’s office to better support the many participants preferring to come onsite with questions regarding their 401(k) plan. She ensures contributions, withdrawals, loans, rollovers, and all other transactions are processed accurately and in a timely manner for about 250 different employers and their participants.
Planning ahead for your retirement reduces the burden on individuals once they start getting closer to their retirement age. The earlier you start in life the less financial stress you will have later and taking those steps will help keep you on track towards your goals. There is so many benefits- tax deferred savings, not having to rely on Social Security, or having to depend on your children’s income- to name a few and each one leads to a much happier and financially stable life.
What I do at RSG
- Relationship Management
Ask Me About
- Employee Education and Engagement
- Client Customer Support
- Audit Support
- Enrollment Support
- Mergers and Acquisition Benefit Analysis and Support
- Multi-Employer Plans
- Participant Transactions
Undergrad at Eastern Illinois University10 years of industry experience.